- Enter your address or location.
- Select type of map: Road, Satellite, Terrain, or Hybrid.
- Add zoom to the map, change the label, size, and color of the icon.
- Users can see the product options and prices and select the quantities before adding the product to the cart.
- Allows all users to download the designs.
- Allows registered users to save their designs and manage them from the editor.
- Click the upper area of the design and you will see all the keyboard shortcuts that can be used.
- Click the text, images, or clip-arts and used the shortcuts for editing
- In this tool is one of the most useful because it can help to align the layers by adjusting them with grid line provided.
- In easy centering horizontally the text, image, clip-art just click this tool menu
- In easy centering vertically the text, image, clip-art just click this tool menu
- Flip objects horizontally.
- Flip objects vertically.
- Rotate objects.
Correct Right:
The image is extended to the edges of the document.There will be no white border showing after this is cut.
Incorrect Left:The image is just extended to the trim line, but does not bleed to the edge. White border may show at the edge of your document.
- Bring objects to front.
- Bring object to back.
- Lock and unlock objects.
- Group and ungroup objects.
- Duplicate objects.
- Delete objects.
- Undo changes.
- Redo changes.
- See design preview.
Correct Right:
The image is extended to the edges of the document. There will be no white border showing after this is cut.
Incorrect Left:The image is just extended to the trim line, but does not bleed to the edge. White border may show at the edge of your document.
Correct Right:
The image is extended to the edges of the document. There will be no white border showing after this is cut.
Incorrect Left:The image is just extended to the trim line, but does not bleed to the edge. White border may show at the edge of your document.
Correct Right:
The image is extended to the edges of the document. There will be no white border showing after this is cut.
Incorrect Left:The image is just extended to the trim line, but does not bleed to the edge. White border may show at the edge of your document.
Correct Right:
The image is extended to the edges of the document. There will be no white border showing after this is cut.
Incorrect Left:The image is just extended to the trim line, but does not bleed to the edge. White border may show at the edge of your document.
Correct Right:
The image is extended to the edges of the document. There will be no white border showing after this is cut.
Incorrect Left:The image is just extended to the trim line, but does not bleed to the edge. White border may show at the edge of your document.
Correct Right:
The image is extended to the edges of the document. There will be no white border showing after this is cut.
Incorrect Left:The image is just extended to the trim line, but does not bleed to the edge. White border may show at the edge of your document.
Correct Right:
The image is extended to the edges of the document. There will be no white border showing after this is cut.
Incorrect Left: The image is just extended to the trim line, but does not bleed to the edge. White border may show at the edge of your document.
- You can change the images on your design.
- We have many cliparts available.
- You can change the logo of your calling card design.
- We have many logos available.
고객의 원하시는 제품의 품질에 따라 한국 또는 필리핀 생산이 결정이 됩니다. 한국에서의 생산은 품질은 뛰어나나 별도의 배송비가 추가 될수 있으며 해상운송으로 3주 ~4주 정도 시간을 주시면 무료 배송이 가능하나. 급하신 경우 에어 선적을 통하여 10 그램당 10 페소 의 저렴한 금액으로 한국에서 배송하여 드립니다. ( 한국에서 필리핀 배송 기간은 7일 정도 소요 됩니다. )